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Much of the work is in the taking of objects from the back of the cupboard,  half formed things, half spoken, more broken than whole and as such perfect.


The failure comes with dragging them up into the air, forcing them unsteadily up the stairs, to be judged, and to come crashing down, either diving back into the wardrobe, or more bravely re-facing the stairs, some of them given entirely new faces, others, cut bodies cruelly taped together to make new animals, that saunter up the stairs before repeating their descent.

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'Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better. First the body. No. First the place. No. First both. Now either. Now the other. Sick of the either try the other. Sick of it back sick of the either. So on. Somehow on. Till sick of both. Throw up and go. Where neither. Till sick of there. Throw up and back. The body again. Where none. The place again. Where none. Try again. Fail again. Better again. Or better worse. Fail worse again. Still worse again. Till sick for good. Throw up for good. Go for good. Where neither for good. Good and all.'                                                                          


Samuel Beckett

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